
Friday, March 23, 2012

Results of the Winter Angel 2012

As I'd said before there was a great event  in Moscow on 17, March, organized by Russian Alternative. You can read some discussion about contest works on this forum: Painting. Official contest results will be published later and I'll give a link to it. I hope that nothing is messed up.
These are our judges: Ben Komets, Matt Cexwish and Jose Manuel Palomares Nuñez

Category 1: Single fantasy
1st place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)     CMON
2nd place: Dmitry Fesechko (Lynx)  gallery
3в place:   (Staruxa)  
 Category 2: Single Sci-Fi
1st place:  Ermolaev Vasiliy (FFF / In The Middle)   CMON
2nd place: Dmitry Fesechko (Lynx)  галерея художника
 3d place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)

Категория 3:Монстр fantasy
1st place:  Ermolaev Vasiliy  (FFF / In The Middle)   CMON
2тв place: Artem (Landreth)  collage
3d place: Marina Ainagoz (Ringil)

Категория 4: Техника
1st place: Marina Ainagoz (Ringil)  CMON
2nd place:  (Oxotnik-kod)  CMON
3d place: (TSE)

Категория 5: отряды:
1st place: (Oxotnik-kod)  CMON
2nd place: Marina Ainagoz (Ringil)
3в place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)

 Категория 6: Большая техника и монстры
1st place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)
 2nd place: (4К)  blog
3d place: (Gruumsh)

Категория 7: Дуэли
1st place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)
 2nd place: Zubrilin Sergey (Zubr)
3d place: Sergey Gusev (Ookami)

And a main prize (overall) was taken by our incredible maestro - Kirill Kanaev:

But I want to congratulate my husband, who took 2nd place in the Duel category: I'm very, very proud of you!!!


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing those photos. I reposted some of them with credit to their authors to the Chest of Colors forum.

    So will there be a 2013 edition, too?

  2. There was really a lot of good works on this contest. I hope so much that it will be a 2013 edition. And now we're prepearing for a next competition - Crystal Hummer 2012 (on June, 23-24). But we will not have such brilliant judgment there :(.

  3. These judges or others, but you still can have equally good entries in Summer!

    Good luck with the contest. Unfortunately I don't expect to be able to make it to Russia in June :(
