
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lord of Tzeentch on Disc. Limited edition

   It was a really difficult and interesting work. Difficult - because Аnа set up a very high standard level of the painting this miniature. Two of her lords are a masterpiece. While working, I wanted to do something good enougt to "stay close" to her works.  Equipment (stick, belt) of this character led me to the idea about snakeskin-toxic theme which I used some time ago for painting  Eldar Wave Serpent.



  1. Wow!! this one are truly amazing. Fantastic in a colour scheme and very neat freehand painting especially a big serpent eye on the back. IMHO, It's one of the best version of this mini. :)
    And if i may have a suggestion with come from my vision and based on my taste of modelling :). Maybe it's need more attention on a painting skin area to appropriate with a details of the cloth. Such as more highlight or depth in some area to created more dimension on the face and hands. This is clearly seen when I'm looking through a bigger pics in here but I saw this one in CMON and it's looks perfect all around in a smaller pics.
    Hope this suggestion don't bother you because this mini's are still gorgeous and I really love it. I'm looking forward to your next project. :)

    Best, Thor

    1. Thank you for your comment. It's my secret: I tried to have a rest on his skin :). It has a lot of colors besides а base on his face and hands - green and purple in shadows, orange and yellow on light parts. But, perhaps, it isn't enough. I had to spend more time working on it for blending and getting more contrast, You are absolutely right :).

  2. Fantastic work , congratulation is amazing .

  3. That freehand is beautiful...
    If you don't mind me asking, how did you paint the gold?
