This is short story of birth of my another favourite project in 2017. It's an Eldar Avatar painted with non-standard color scheme.
Idea of Exodite Avatar was offered me by his owner, Peter Almo. I just tried to bring his vision in reality. Peter, thank you for one more beautiful mini in my portfolio! )
And here's Peter's thougts, which serve me as a starting point for painting:
"The idea is to have the
Avatar come out of the lore if the exodite Eldar. The exodites saw the
destructive path the Eldar were going down, and left to start new worlds before
the downfall. Eventually the eldars extreme decadence brought about the birth of
the chaos god slaanesh who destroyed most of the Eldar, that's why there are so
few left. The exodites colonized planets many light years away, and there
lifestyle became very agricultural and simple. The exodites are characterized
by very verdant themes with lots of natural growth and flowers, as the exodites
live in very lush, green societies. My idea is that they still worship the
Eldar god khaine, but that when he manifests as an Avatar for the exodites, he
doesn't appear as molten fiery rock anymore, but rather an explosion of life
and nature. I'm imagining a model defined by beautiful overgrowths of nature,
with flowers, bursts of green and even wood. "
Ok, lets go!